Journal Papers

  • Hideaki Hasuo, Nahoko Kusaka, Mutsuo Sano, Kenji Kanbara, Tomoki Kitawaki, Hiroko Sakuma, Tomoya Sakazaki, Kohei Yoshida, Hisaharu Shizuma, Hideo Araki, Motoyuki Suzuki, Satoshi Nishiguchi, Masaki Shuzo, Gaku Masuda, Kei Shimonishi, Kazuaki Kondo, Hirotada Ueda, Yuichi Nakamura: "Effects of eating together online on autonomic nervous system functions: a randomized, open-label, controlled preliminary study among healthy volunteers", BioPsychoSocial Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2023.
  • Kei Shimonishi, and Hiroaki Kawashima: "A Two-step Approach for Interest Estimation from Gaze Behavior in Digital Catalog Browsing", Journal of Eye Movement Research, Vol.13, No.1, pp.1--17, 2020.
  • Kei Shimonishi, Erina Ishikawa, Ryo Yonetani, Hiroaki Kawashima and Takashi Matsuyama: "Learning Aspects of Interest from Gaze (In Japanese)", Human Interface, Vol. 16, No.2, pp. 103--114, 2014.

Conference Papers (International, Peer-reviewed)

  • Junyao Zhang, Kei Shimonishi, Hirotada Ueda, Kazuaki Kondo, and Yuichi Nakamura: "Evaluating Subtle Positive-Negative Facial Expression Transitions for Monitoring Changes in Personal Internal States", Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI 2024, pp. 392--404, Kyoto, Japan, 2024.11.
  • Kei Shimonishi, Kazuaki Kondo, Hirotada Ueda, and Yuichi Nakamura: "Ordinal Scale Evaluation of Smiling Intensity using Comparison-Based Network", Machine Learning for Cognitive and Mental Health Workshop (ML4CMH), AAAI2024, pp. 64--73, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2024.2.
  • Kanako Obata, Hirotada Ueda, Kei Shimonishi, Kazuaki Kondo, and Yuichi Nakamura: "Reproduction of Internal States by Video-Stimulated Recall of Enjoyable Activities", Cross-Cultural Design. Product and Service Design, Mobility and Automotive Design, Cities, Urban Areas, and Intelligent Environments Design (HCII2023), Online, 2023.7.
  • Junyao Zhang, Kei Shimonishi, Kazuaki Kondo, and Yuichi Nakamura: "Facial Expression Change Recognition on Neutral-Negative Axis Based on Siamese-Structure Deep Neural Network", Cross-Cultural Design. Product and Service Design, Mobility and Automotive Design, Cities, Urban Areas, and Intelligent Environments Design (HCII2022), pp. 583--598, Online, 2022.6.
  • Kei Shimonishi, and Hiroaki Kawashima: "MSET: Multi-Scale Exact Test for Detecting Distinctive Periods in Choice Behavior", AAAI2020 Workshop on Interactive and Conversational Recommendation Systems (WICRS), 8pages, New York, USA, 2020.2.7.
  • Hiroaki Kawashima, Kousuke Ueki, and Kei Shimonishi: "Modeling Video Viewing Styles with a Probabilistic Mode Switching", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), pp. 81--86, Kenting, Taiwan, 2019.12.2.
  • Kei Shimonishi, Tyler Fisher, Hiroaki Kawashima, Kotaro Funakoshi: "Image2Height: Self-Height Estimation from a Single-Shot Image", 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR 2019), 14pages, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019.11.26.
  • Hiroaki Kawashima, Kousuke Ueki, and Kei Shimonishi: "Model-Based Analysis of Gaze Data During Video Lectures", Multimodal Learning Analytics Across Physical and Digital Spaces Workshop (3rd CrossMMLA), 8pages, Tempe, Arizona, USA, 2019.3.4.
  • Kei Shimonishi: "Modeling User's Decision Process Through Gaze Behavior", 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2016), pp. 536--540, Tokyo, Japan, 2016.11.12.
  • Shingo Sawa, Hiroaki Kawashima, Kei Shimonishi, and Takashi Matsuyama: "Modulating Dynamic Models for Lip Motion Generation", 4th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI '16), pp. 75--78, Biopolis, Singapore, 2016.10.3.
  • Tomoki Nishide, Kei Shimonishi, Hiroaki Kawashima, and Takashi Matsuyama: "Voting-Based Backchannel Timing Prediction Using Audio-Visual Information", 4th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI '16), pp. 229--232, Biopolis, Singapore, 2016.10.3.
  • Kei Shimonishi, Hiroaki Kawashima, Erina Schaffer, and Takashi Matsuyama: "Tracing Temporal Changes of Selection Criteria from Gaze Information", Companion Publication of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '16 Companion), pp. 9--12, Sonoma, California, USA, 2016.3.7.
  • Kei Shimonishi, Hiroaki Kawashima, Ryo Yonetani, Erina Ishikawa, and Takashi Matsuyama: "Learning Aspects of Interest from Gaze", ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 6th Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction (GazeIn '13), pp. 41--43, Sydney, Australia, 2013.12.13.
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